I got nothing from the ingredients at all. So do I even continue on with GC 2009. Sure why not, I can shoehorn stuff in with the best of them, as a trad simulationist gamer hell yes.
So last night as I tried to fall asleep, spent the weekend sick, I realized I would take the year long route for design, might end up less like 6 months but the intent is the year long route, and to design MY game system, one I can use for my game company housesystem from here on. One to cover what I like and want in a game system the best for my personal tastes.
So first up, I have some handwritten notes from a while ago to type up, core stats are there. It is going to be a % system for stats and skills with point buy elements.
One thing that came to mind as I finally fell asleep was the basis to combat.
So in example, a Sword Attack skill, say it is a 50%. That would mean a character could make a single attack with a 01 - 50 on a d100 to succeed.
Or they could do x2 25% chance attacks
Or even x5 10% chance attacks (like a wild flurry of blows)
It has some merit to it I believe.
More in a day or so.
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